Acai berries The acai berry has been in existence for over a thousand years now, however, it didn’t get famous until 1900. It is believed that it was first used by the tribes of the Amazon jungle.
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Almond The mention of almonds in history dates back to the time of the Bible. It has been mentioned as nutritious food throughout history. Almonds are known as Prunus dulcis in scientific terms.
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Apple Apple is tagged as a symbol of temptation, sin, and knowledge. The reason being, in the Garden of Eden, Apple the forbidden fruit was eaten by Adam and Eve.
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Apricot Apricots natively belong to Armenia, however, the first cultivation of apricots happened in China almost three thousand years ago.
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Avocado Perula, located in southern Mexico, is the motherland of this widely beneficial fruit, Avocado. 10,000 years ago, the locals started consuming Avocado.
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Banana South East Asia, majorly India, is supposed to be the home of Banana. It is believed that banana domestication was first spotted at Kuk.
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Blueberry The blueberry has been consumed by the native North American for hundreds of years now. Blueberry has been part of American fruit folklore since years.
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Blackberries It is believed that the Blackberries originated in Europe for over 2,000 years ago. It was domesticated for culinary and medicinal purposes.
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Cashew Cashew is the seed of a tropical evergreen shrub related to mango, pistachio, and poison ivy. Cashew natively belongs to Central and South America. It is most importantly believed to have originated in Brazil.
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Water Chestnut Water chest natively belongs to Western Europe and Africa, Russia and Asia.  It is very popular in China and other Southeast Asian countries.
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Chironji Deciduous tree Buchanania lanzan produces edible almond-flavored seeds known as chironji.  Buchanania lanzan (Chironji) belongs to the family Anacardiaceae and is commercially very valuable.
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Coconut During World War II, coastwatcher scout Biuki Gasa delivered a message to the U.S. president John F. Kennedy inscribed on a husked coconut shell.
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Cranberries Cranberries belong to the Native Americans and have originated before the 16th century. It is believed that the native Americans used to mix deer meat and mashed cranberries to make pemmican.
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Dates It is believed that the dates were originated in the Middle East and was considered to be a great culinary item. There were more than 3000 varieties of dates at that time.
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Apricot It is believed that apricot originated in northeastern China
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Fig Fig is one of the oldest fruit consumed by human beings. It is believed to have been originated in northern Asia Minor. It was also really close to Greeks and Romans in the earlier times.
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Goji berries Goji berry natively belongs to China. History reveals that the goji berry has been in use for over 2000 years now. It was used as a part of traditional Chinese medicine.
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Grapefruit The grapefruit was first discovered and documented in 1750 in Barbados. It was mentioned in specimens written by Rev. Griffith Hughes
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Grapes One of the seven staple foods declared in Deuteronomy 8.8 ‘A land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey’, Grape has profound history.
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Hazelnuts Since the prehistoric times, the hazelnuts have been consumed by humans ever since prehistoric times. It is believed that Hazelnuts existence was found in the excavation sites in China over 5000 years ago.
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Honey Ancient cave paintings tell the story of honey depicting that it has been around for 8,000 years. Spain’s cave painting dating back to 7000BC talks about the earliest records of beekeeping
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Honeydew Melon Honeydew melon is believed to have originated in Middle East like all other melons. Honeydew melons particularly belong to Middle Eastern or western Asian.
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Kiwi Kiwi fruit natively belongs to the Yangtze River valley of northern China and Zhejiang Province on the coast of eastern China.
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Lemon This fruit natively belongs to South Asia and North Eastern India. 
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Lime Wild Lime most likely originated within the Indonesian solid ground or Southeast Asia.
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Litchi The fruit Lychee was originally noticed by the western world in Mendoza's 16th-century History of China.  
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Macadamia Nuts The macadamia nut was discovered by British colonists in Queensland, Australia, in 1857.
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Mango The history says a lot about this celebrated fruit. Mango has been familiar with Indians since a very long time. In ancient times, Mango was also known as Amra-Phal.
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Mulberry The mulberry natively belongs to eastern and central China. The mulberry tree reached Europe centuries later from china. The tree was introduced in America for silkworm culture in early colonial times, which was later hybridized with the native red mulberry.
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Orange Oranges natively belong to the tropical regions of Asia, especially the Malay Archipelago. Oranges have been cultivated since centuries now.
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Papaya Papaya, one of the healthiest fruit in the world. It is also called papaw or pawpaw. Papaya has its origin from the America and Mexican region.
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Peach Peaches originated in China. It was widely cultivated in China and then reached Persia from there. Alexander the Great, furthered spread it into Europe.
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Pear Pears are one of the world’s oldest fruits. It is believed that in 5,000 B.C., Feng Li, a Chinese diplomat, introduced pears and made them commercial.
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Pecan Nuts Pecan nuts are one of the oldest nuts. History reveals that pecans were found in the 16th century.
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Pineapple Pineapple is indigenous to South America. It natively belongs to Southern Brazil and Paraguay. History reveals that Christopher Columbus found this fruit on the island of Guadeloupe in 1493.
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Pine Nuts Pine nuts are the nuts from the pinyon pine trees. Pine nuts natively belong to the United States. It is also believed to have originated in Europe and Asia.
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Pistachio The pistachio tree natively belongs to western Asia and Asia Minor. It is found from Syria to the Caucasus and Afghanistan.
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Plums The European plum is believed to have originated from the region around the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea, then it later spread to Europe and Asia.
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Pomelo The pomelo fruit is originated from southeastern Asia and Malaysia. Later, it spread to the United States. It is believed to have reached the United States by the 17th century.
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Raspberry Raspberries have been believed to have originated in Europe, however, history says it has its roots from the west. Some say it originated from Greece and then spread to Italy, Netherlands and then to North America.
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Strawberry Strawberries, natively belong to North America, and the Native American Indians used to make many dishes from them.
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Tamarind Tamarind belongs natively to tropical Africa. The trees used to grow wildly at Sudan. It took a lot of time to spread to other countries and became indigenous in India as well.
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Tomato History Of Tomato is full of misconceptions and hurdles. Tomatoes originated in South America and then it was introduced in Europe around the 16th century.
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Vanilla Beans Vanilla bean natively belongs to Central Mexico. The ancient Totonac Indians of Mexico were the first to learn and discover the use of the Tlilxochitl vine, vanilla pods. Once they were defeated by the Aztecs, they took control over this fruit. 
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Watermelon Watermelon is the favorite summertime fruit. Watermelon is believed to have originated in the Kalahari Desert of Africa.
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