
Origin: Pineapple is indigenous to South America. It natively belongs to Southern Brazil and Paraguay. History reveals that Christopher Columbus found this fruit on the island of Guadeloupe in 1493. He brought back this fruit with him and started cultivating it. Pineapple is also believed that it was domesticated by the Indians and they brought them up to South and Central America and then to Mexico. It later spread to the West Indies. Pineapple and pineapple crowns had a cultural influence on the people of Caribbean Indians.

They considered Pineapple very significant and placed it outside the entrances of their house as a symbol of friendship and hospitality. Even Europeans adopted this ritual and used the carvings of the fruit on the doorsteps in Spain, England, and later in New England. It was fondly eaten in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Trinidad. The major pineapple producing countries are Hawaii, Mexico, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica, and China.

Scientifically: Ananas comosus is the botanical name of the pineapple. Pineapple is a low-growing, fruit-bearing, tropical plants. It belongs to the Plantae kingdom and belongs to the species of the bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae).

It is a large edible fruit and has long swordlike leaves. The fleshy fruit is inside the hard crusting. It has sweet tangy taste. It is a perennial plant and is 1-1.5 meters tall. To tell if a pineapple is ripe, smell the base of the fruit. If it smells sweet that means the pineapple is ripe. Another way to determine if it’s ready to be eaten is to look at the color of the pineapple. A yellow coloration at the stem-end of the pineapple is a sign that it's ripe. 

Usage: Pineapple is usually eaten raw as a fruit, is used in desserts, or is used in cooking curries or glaze for meat dishes. It has a high nutritive value and is full of vitamin C and B vitamins. Vitamin C in pineapple helps in improving skin and hair. It also helps in boosting immunity.

The antioxidants present in Pineapple help in fighting cancer and other diseases. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain which helps in digesting the food, especially the tough meat. It is highly anti-inflammatory thus helps in treating arthritis and any kind of skin inflammation. It also helps in decreasing the risk of coronary heart diseases. It also improves vision. Drinking pineapple juice improves overall health. Pineapple jams, canned or dried pineapple are favorite among kids.

Below are some DIYs with Pineapple:

-    Take 4-5 pineapple slices and 2 tablespoons of coconut milk. Blend them together into a thick paste. Apply this paste on the face for 10 minutes. Once dry, gently massage it and wash it off. This remedy helps to add natural radiance to the skin.
-    One can apply pineapple juice directly to moles and warts, to ward them off. Leave it on for only 5 - 10 minutes. Never overuse this remedy. 
-    Rub a fresh piece of pineapple on face and lips for 10 minutes. This works as a mild exfoliator. 
-    Extract some fresh pineapple juice and massage it on the scalp for 10 minutes. This makes the tresses clean and manageable.
-    Dip your nails in a bowl of pineapple juice for 5- 10 minutes and then rinse it off. This helps in strengthening the nails.
-    Applying fresh pineapple juice on the face as a facial toner helps in giving clearer complexion and reduces acne.
-    Take a few pineapple pieces, a tablespoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. Blend them together and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Wash it off once dry. This remedy provides all the essential nutrients to the skin and hydrates it as well.