
Origin: Frankincense, known as olibanum, is made from the resin of the Boswellia tree. Frankincense has been traded on the Arabian Peninsula for more than 6,000 years. Frankincense was used for hundreds of years in incense, fundamentally in ancient rituals because of its promise to bring enormous healing properties. 
The history of Frankincense traces its roots to a special family of trees that grow almost exclusively in the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. At a specific time, the trees are cut with special knives, and the sap comes out. Once the sap is sun-dried, it is ready to be used.
Men around the world, especially from the Middle East admired the essential oil for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties. Ancient use of Frankincense resin was restrained for religious services, where it was burned as incense with the intention that the scent will levitate to heaven in order to attract God’s attention. 
It was believed that burning the resin was also a tool to trounce negative energies or keep evil spirits at bay. The ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks all used Frankincense in their religious rituals. Likewise, the Chinese have been known to have used it for years. 
The ancient civilizations believed that Gold, Frankincense, and myrrh were the richest gifts to be offered to a newborn King. 
Frankincense was so precious during ancient times that it was literally worth its weight in gold. Some cultures even prized it more than gold, making it an intrinsic part of the Silk Road trade. 

Scientifically: Frankincense has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Few studies shows, Boswellia helped reduce morning stiffness and the amount of NSAID medication required in people with rheumatoid arthritis. It may also reduce the symptoms of Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis by reducing inflammation in your gut.

Frankincense helps reduce the chances of asthma attacks in susceptible people. The compound present in Frankincense also relieves asthma symptoms, such as shortness of breath and wheezing. Frankincense extract or powder may fight gum disease and maintain oral health. 

Boswellic acid present in Frankincense may help kill cancer cells and prevent tumors from spreading. It also has anti-anxiety and depression-reducing abilities.

Frankincense benefits extend to immune-enhancing abilities that can destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses, and even cancers. Frankincense essential oil decreases obstructed and delayed menstruation and delays the advent of menopause. Known as Shallaki or Salai Guggulu in Ayurveda, Frankincense oil has several medicinal properties and it is great for the skin. 

It works as a natural skin conditioner ensuring your skin is soft and smooth. It works wonders in fading away acne, surgery marks, stretch marks, and other scars. In addition, this oil reduces wrinkles and fine lines.  Highly recommended for those suffering from mature skin, premature aging skin, and environmentally damaged skin. 
For those of us, facing trouble with hair, Frankincense oil is the solution. It cures dandruff, gives shiny hair and stops hair fall. 

Usage: Frankincense is used in perfumery and aromatherapy. This ingredient is extensively used in the skincare industry. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dry resin. Frankincense oil when mixed with water is used as a face mist. 

Beautifying Body Butter:  Place a glass container carrying 3 ounces of virgin coconut in warm water until the coconut oil melts to a liquid. Add 20 drops of Frankincense essential oil and mix well. Store in a dark glass container

Below are some DIY with Frankincense:

- Take 3 ounces of virgin coconut oil. Add 30 drops of Frankincense oil into it and mix well. Store in dark glass container. Apply it daily before going to bed.  
- Apply a few drops of Frankincense oil directly to the face, this helps in reducing the appearance of acne and scars. It also helps in making skin look youthful.
- Apply a few drops of Frankincense oil to the nails and the cuticles of the nail. This helps in strengthening nails.
- Applying of frankincense oil to warts twice a day for a couple of weeks can show gradual cure.