
Origin: The oldest utilization of marigolds was by the Aztec individuals who credited marigold with mysterious, religious and therapeutic characteristics. The De La Crus-Badiano Aztec Herbal of 1552 holds the oldest recorded marigold application, mentioning employing marigold for curing hiccups, being struck by helping, or "for one who wishes to cross a river or water securely". The fact that it is application is said to help in crossing river affirms to its magical properties.

The Aztecs reproduced the marigold for progressively huge blossoms. The history of Marigold says that in the 1500s, Spanish travelers took local marigold seeds from the Aztecs and carried it to Spain. Henceforth, this humble seed was cultivated in the monastery gardens of Spain. 
From Spain, marigold seeds were transported to France and northern Africa. 

In Mexico and Latin America, this flower is decorated as part of the celebrations on All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Bloom's heads are put on graves. 
Marigold plays a significant role in Hindu religious ceremonies. Throughout history, a garland made out of marigold is used to decorate God. 

A large number of research signals to the fact that this gorgeous flower protects plans from various insects and also embraces various therapeutic values.  In the UK, people have been used for years to treat foot issues such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, contagious diseases, tendonitis, and verrucade, otherwise called plantar moles.  For more than 30 years, this plant is used to treat foot issues

Scientifically: A famed Phytotherapist titled Vlahsovic studied the utilization of marigold in three HIV positive patients, as an elective treatment for the little skin injuries called verrucae. It was observed that this cure either incredibly diminished the number and size of moles or in few cases even cleared them totally in four to six sessions, while different medications neglected to do as such. 
It is used as a plant medicine for addressing certain health conditions. It is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties have ensured it's being mentioned as curing cancer. 

Marigold embraces plenty of 'Lutein', the yellow carotenoid color. The University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, India, watched 4,403 subjects amid their investigation on colon malignant growth. Analysts especially watched the viability of carotenoids and their adequacy on different phases of colon disease. On assessing the dietary carotenoids a-carotene, b-carotene, lycopene, and lutein, zyxanthin and b-cryptoxanthin, lutein was observed to be the best against colon malignancy, especially among youths. 

In addition, Lutein keeps LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. A 1994 study states that consuming Lutein helps in curing various stages of colon cancer. As per another study, Lutein helps in keeping up great vision wellbeing for a lifetime. 

In addition to these wonderful benefits, placing a chilly mixture of marigold tea on eyes is great for the eyes. 
Marigold tincture is likewise astounding in healing burns, impetigo, and stings. It is awesome in the treatment of corns, moles and calluses, while the blooms are utilized in the treatment of a few skin conditions running from dermatitis to varicose ulcers. 

Usage: Marigold has been studied to cure conditions, such as rashes, allergies, eczema, and dermatitis; pain, swelling, and redness caused from muscle cramps, muscular injuries or sprains; eye inflammation and itchiness caused by conjunctivitis; and fungal infections, including athlete’s foot, candida, ear infections, and ringworm
Marigolds are blessed with vitamins A, B1 and D. These flowers are excellent for dry, sensitive and damaged skin. For centuries, they have been boiled and mashed to address the problems of cuts, blemishes, acne, and rashes. They also help in dealing with dermatitis and eczema. 

Its antioxidant properties ensure it guards the skin against free radicals. It is great for fighting aging and wrinkles. It also revitalizes sagging skin. 
The plant embraces insecticidal properties. It is used essential oil and as a food color. Back in history, the petals of the splendid blooms were utilized as a substitute for saffron and hued things like spread and cakes. It was additionally added as flower enhancer in soups and stews. 

How to make Marigold Salve at home: To make a balm, slash some crisp blooms, and add it to coconut oil. Warmth gently and enable it to cool. The treatments are an incredible solution for Athletes feet, varicose veins, nose scabs, dermatitis, and skin contaminations. 

Below are some DIY for skin and hair:

- Take a tablespoon of marigold paste, 1 teaspoon mint powder, 1 teaspoon yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix all these ingredients together. Apply this mask on the face. Rinse after 5 minutes. This mask helps to clear acne and soothes irritated skin.
- Take 10-12 marigold petals, a tablespoon of milk powder, one teaspoon of yogurt, and some grated carrot. Mix all the ingredients together and apply on the face. Rinse after 15 minutes. This mask helps in removing dullness and makes the skin glow. 
- Marigold flowers can also be used as a hair rinse. Boil some marigold flowers in two liters of water. Let it reduce to half and then let it chill. Then rinse the hair with this water after the shampoo. This makes hair healthy and shiny.