
Origin: Scallions natively belong to central Asia and later it spread to different parts of the world.  Scallions made way to Africa through Egypt. It made way into Egypt through trade. It became a significant culinary item ever since then.  Scallions were a cheap source of food and were consumed by the laborers. It was used in cooking every day. History also reveals that the scallions were depicted in the funeral paintings and other tombs. Scallions were also placed on and around the tombs as offerings.

Ancient Sumerians were also known to cultivate and cook scallions 4000 years ago.   Scallion was also seen cultivated at the royal place of Knossos in Crete years ago.   The ancient Greek physician also wrote about the scallions in various books in the fourth and fifth centuries B.C. It also mentioned that the Greeks consumed a large of scallions daily and cultivated a broad variety of scallions. 

Scientifically: Scallions are also known as green onions, spring onions and salad onions scallions have a mild taste than onions. These are scientifically known as Allii fistulosi. Scallions belong to the Allium family like onions, garlic, shallots, etc. Scallions are a pointy-leafed perennial plant and can reach about 20 inches in height.

The scallion plants flourish in the warm temperate zone. Scallions are known for their edible bulb and have leafy stalks attached to them. Most commercially cultivated scallions are grown from the plant’s small seeds, which are sown directly in the field.  these small white onions are between 13 mm (0.5 inches) or less in diameter. These scallions are also referred to as young onions. 

Usage: Scallions are world known for the culinary use and are used raw in salads and sauces, as a garnish, and also as a seasoning for prepared dishes. These have a slight mild and sweet taste as compared to other onions. Scallions not only add a great taste to the meal but are also great for health. Scallions are low in calories and are full of fiber. This fat-free vegetable provides a large amount of calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamins A, and K.

The vitamin K in scallions help in preventing your blood clots and keeps your bones strong. The other vitamins help in protecting cells from damage. Scallions keep the cholesterol levels down and also lower the blood sugar levels. Scallions also prevent heart diseases and other conditions. Consuming scallions are also great for skin and hair. 

Below are some DIYs with scallions: 

-    Apply the juice of scallions on the lips for 10 minutes, help in keeping them soft and supple.
-    Take 2-3 scallions and extract their juice. Apply this juice directly on the scalp for 30 minutes. Shampoo it later. This remedy helps in strengthening the roots and promotes new hair growth.
-    Take some lemon juice and some scallion juice. Mix them together and apply on the face for 2-3 minutes. This prevents any developing any skin allergies and soothes the skin as well.
-    Take a tablespoon of scallion juice, a tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel, mix them together with a teaspoon of organic honey. Apply this mixture on the face for about 5-10 minutes. Once dried, massage it and rinse it off. This remedy helps in reducing the appearance of acne and protects the skin from wrinkling.