
Origin: The origin of Wheatgrass can be traced back to 5000 years ago to Egypt and Mesopotamian civilizations.
During the 1900s, Edmund Bordeaux Szekely came across an ancient biblical manuscript that talks about how eating grass is good for man and wheatgrass are the perfect food for man. On the lines of his discovery, he started Biogenic Society. 

In the 1930s, the Western world opened up to the idea of consuming wheatgrass, courtesy Charles Schnabel, former Chairman of the Board, General Motors. In the 1940s.  His research signaled the efficiency of wheatgrass in conditions of blood and toxicity. 
Ann Wigmore, founder healing programs, cured herself of cancer using weeds she discovered in Boston's vacant lots. She came up with the theory that wheatgrass is best medicinal grass. 

Yoshihide Hagiwara, the owner of a large pharmaceutical company in Japan, did research on wheatgrass and spoke of its benefits. 

Scientifically: In science, wheatgrass is called Thinopyrum intermedium. Wheatgrass is filled with healthy components such as chlorophyll, flavonoids, glutathione, and vitamins C and E.
In some experiments carried on animals, wheat grass highlighted cancer prevention and benefited immunological activity and oxidative stress. Various test-tube studies state that wheatgrass may kill cancer cells. According to one test-tube study, wheatgrass extract reduced the spread of mouth cancer cells by 41%.

High in nutrients and antioxidants, wheatgrass is high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids. 
As per a study on rabbits, wheat grass lowered oxidative stress and improved cholesterol levels.  Another study states that the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass reduces oxidative damage to cells. 

As per the American Journal of Surgery (1940), chlorophyll in Wheatgrass caters to damaged epidermal tissue, inhibits acne breakouts, and diminishes blemishes and scars.  Wheatgrass is high on antioxidants and thus guards against the damage from free radicals such as environmental toxins and UV exposure.

When applied to the skin it works wonderers as it as youth-enhancing properties.  It removes toxins from body and skin. 
It purifies the blood, works on liver detoxification and colon cleansing. The reason being it is the richest source of vitamins A, B, C, E and K, calcium, potassium, selenium, iron, magnesium, sodium, sulfur and 17 forms of amino acids. 

Wheatgrass flushes toxins from body and skin. This, in turn, balances blood circulation and improves cell regeneration. This works beautifully for improving the skins appearance and slowing the aging process. It prevents the sagging of skin while helping with skin elasticity. 
The best Wheatgrass powder helps your skin is by detoxification. This potent natural detox removes toxins from your body. As impurities bid adieu to your body, the blood circulation enhances and this leads to a glowing complexion. In addition, it also slows the aging process.  

The healing plant Wheatgrass is both antibacterial and antiseptic. Wheatgrass facial injects innumerable vitamins such as A, C, and E, in your skin. You are also feeding your skin too numerous nutrients and minerals.
Drinking wheatgrass juice aids in weight management as it contains high levels of dietary fiber.  Nutritious Wheatgrass increases liver enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation. 
Gluten-free Wheatgrass juice arrests the growing harmful bacteria that can spread copious diseases. It treats acute stomach ache, gas, paralysis, infection of the digestive system, heart attack, diabetes, asthma, constipation, leukemia, and other cancer. 

Apart from these glorious qualities, it is also loved for reducing pain and swelling. Wheatgrass is loaded with bioflavonoids that have antimicrobial effects. The best way to deal with environmental pollutants is by having a wheatgrass juice. 

Wheatgrass extract effectively reduces the activity of ulcerative colitis and blood diseases such as anemia.  The best time to have Wheatgrass powder is on an empty stomach. 
Wheatgrass detoxifies the liver and thus results in clean skin. It also prevents hair from greying. Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin toner. The pulp of wheatgrass works as an awesome exfoliator. It can also be blended with flowers and herbs.   It also takes care of skins sagging. The wheatgrass pulp is also good for curing gum and teeth problems. 

Usage: It is consumed as supplements in powder, capsule or juice. It is used to treat skin in facials.  Wheatgrass powder is used as a cleanser to wash off dead cells and revive tissues. 

Below are some DIYs with wheatgrass:

- Mix wheatgrass powder with milk to combat acne. 
- Take a cup of wheatgrass juice, apply this to the scalp and hair. Let it dry for 45 minutes and then rinse. Wheatgrass is known for cleansing properties, thus it helps in removing dead cells from the scalp.
- Wheatgrass also helps in treating the irritated skin. It also helps in curing diseases like eczema and psoriasis. To treat the affected skin, add a cup of wheatgrass juice to your bathing water and bathe with it. Repeat this 2-3 times a week for best results.
- Take 2 tablespoons of wheatgrass powder and a teaspoon of honey. Add some water to make a paste. Apply this mask on to the face and let it dry for 10 minutes. This works great as a skin cleanser. 
- Take 2 tablespoons of wheatgrass and a tablespoon of milk and mix together. Apply this 5-10 minutes and then rinse. This helps in fading of dark spots, acne scars, and pigmentation.
- Apply wheatgrass paste to the hair and let it dry for 45 minutes. Wash it off later. This prevents in graying of hair and restoring the natural moisture of the hair.