
Origin: Beetroot is also known as garden beet, red beet, golden beet, or jut beet. Beetroot is believed to have originated somewhere in ancient Egypt during 3rd dynasty. It is believed that the beetroot invention goes back all the way to the early- middle Bronze age. The Babylonian civilization used beetroot for several purposes. Beetroot has been an important ingredient in the third millennium BC. In Ancient Greece, only leaves were consumed and they did not eat the root of the plant. The locals from Greece used to use beetroot for religious ceremonies. The leaves of the beetroot were also used to treat the wounds. 

The cultivation and the use of beetroot began later in the 16th century and was used locally. The local started cooking the root of the plant. Almost after 2 centuries, the beetroot was recognized internationally. The chefs in France are responsible for taking the beetroot to the international level. They cooked a dish of roasted beetroot which was fondly devoured by the guests. This dish increased the demand for the beetroot. 

Beetroot was even very popular with Napoleon Bonaparte and was immensely used during the Haiti revolution. Around the 19th century, the beetroot was used not only for its culinary benefit but was also used to make lip and cheek stain.

Ladies used to extract beetroot juice and apply on the cheeks and lips for the rosy flush. There have been mentioned in old journals and books about beetroot and its uses. Romans and Greeks were fond of beetroot and used it for culinary and medicinal uses. 

Scientifically: Beta Vulgaris is the scientific name for the beetroot. It is the taproot section of beets. This deep red vegetable is highly nutritious and has a great reputation. Beetroots are rich in antioxidants and fiber. They contain betalains, a kind of antioxidant, which helps in fighting against cancer. The red color of beetroot comes from betalains. 

Usage: Beetroot provides all the essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, iron, magnesium, folic acid, and potassium. beets and beetroot juice have proven to be effective in improving athletic performance, lowering blood pressure, and reducing heart problems. The antioxidants present in beetroot help to fight free radicals and improve skin texture.

The vitamin C helps in boosting collagen production and vitamin A improves eyesight. Consumption of beetroot aids weight loss and boosts metabolism. Beets can be consumed as juice or roasted, steamed, boiled, pickled, or eaten raw. They make an excellent breakfast smoothie, salads, pickles, and chips. Beetroot juice has a cosmetic use, as well as they, work well as a lip and cheek stain. Regular consumption of beetroot juice help in providing radiance to the skin.

Below are some DIYs with beetroot for healthy hair and skin:

-    Take a tablespoon of beetroot juice and add equal amount of milk and honey to it. Mix them together and apply on the face. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Gently massage and rinse later. This remedy helps in deep moisturization of the skin. 
-    Mix equal quantities of beetroot juice and yogurt together. Apply on the acne and let it dry. This remedy helps in squeezing the size of acne and fades them away.
-     Apply beetroot juice regularly to banish dead skin cells from the face and to make it look soft. 
-    Take a tablespoon of coffee powder and add 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice to it. Mix them together and apply on the scalp and if you’re left with more, apply on the length. Massage it and leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Later, Shampoo as usual. This remedy helps in making hair luscious and adds natural colour to the hair.
-    Take a teaspoon of beetroot juice and tomato juice. Mix them together and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Rinse it off after 10 minutes. This remedy helps in removing dark spots and treats pigmentation.
-    Mix a tablespoon of ginger juice with half a cup of beetroot juice. Mix and apply on the scalp and hair length. Keep it on for 15 minutes. This remedy helps in avoiding loss of hair.