
Origin: Sage originated in the Mediterranean region. Sage has numerous names like Garden sage, Golden sage, Kitchen sage, True sage, Culinary sage, Broadleaf sage, etc. This plant grows up to a foot and usually blooms around August.
This herb is used in fresh, dried and powdered form throughout the year. Sage has been in use since centuries now and is known for its miraculous properties. This woody herb has more than 900 species in the world. It belongs to the Plantae kingdom and the genus is Salvia.  It derives its scientific name from the Latin word “salvere” which means “to be saved.” This herb is also referred to as the savior herb.
French was known for producing sage and using it for tea. In 812 AD, Germans specially planted sage in their farms. Romans also included this herb in the official Roman Pharmacopeia. Other parts of Europe, harvested this crop or essential oil. Sage essential oil contains some acids and flavonoids which have impressive healing qualities. In India, it is also called Kamarkas
Scientifically: Sage is an old herb and belongs to the family of mint. Sage is a great medicinal and culinary herb. Scientifically and botanically, it is called Salvia officinalis. It is also known as Common sage. 
This is a perennial, evergreen plant. The sage plant has green-gray leaves with purple-blue flowers. Sage herb has a unique taste and aroma, adds a beautiful flavor to the dishes. 
This herb has unbelievable and numerous health benefits. Sage is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. In 1653, one of the famous writers, Culpeper mentioned benefits of the sage in his book called Complete Herbal. Sage helps in maintaining oral hygiene, relieves hot flashes, eases menstrual discomfort, reduces the blood sugar levels, helps in boosting the cognitive skills thus keep Alzheimer’s at bay. 
Usage: Sage is used for digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas (flatulence), stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. It is also used for reducing overproduction of perspiration and saliva.  
Sage tea works excellent for fighting depression. It contains antioxidants which help in relieving stress. This not only serves the medicinal benefits but also works wonder on the skin and hair. 
Sage works great in reversing the signs of aging and helps to treat the inflammations on the skin. It regulates the sebum production on the skin. It also helps in getting rid of cellulite. Sage, also make our hair grow thicker and stronger. 
Below are some DIYs to deal with skin issues:
- Sage helps in dealing with acne. Take a few leaves of sage and grind them into a paste. Apply this paste on the face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse later. 
- Take a teaspoon of dried sage and boil it with 500ml of water.  Let it steep for 30 minutes and then strain. Apply this concoction on the face after cooling with the help of a cotton ball. You can also apply this concoction on eczema or psoriasis affected areas. 
- Take a teaspoon of sage essential oil mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil and mix well. Apply this oil concoction to the scalp and massage. Rinse after 45 minutes. This makes the hair stronger and thicker.
- Take equal parts of sage oil, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil. Mix them with a tablespoon of organic coconut oil. Apply this on the scalp and shampoo the hair after 45 minutes. This oil concoction prevents hair fall.
- Take a tablespoon of dried sage and boil it with 1 liter of water.  Let it steep for 30 minutes and then strain. Use this concoction as a hair rinse after the shampoo. This adds shine and luster to the locks.
- Take a few drops of sage oil and massage on the face. This helps in stimulating skin collagen, thus reversing signs of aging.